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The one meal I can make and everyone likes it is tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Ryder had 3 bowls today and I think he may have had more, but we ran out! I think I wiped his face and hands down half a dozen times.Grilled cheese and tomato soup is the ultimate comfort […]
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We had one of our last really warm evenings. It was a perfect night, not a lot of wind and gorgeous out. All the boys were outside playing football, even the little boys wanted to play. They played until 9 pm then we made them come in to get ready for bed. I love these kind of […]
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Max had his very first “big boy” meal today! Spaghetti was a hit with him. Watching his little chubby fingers try to get the noodles was too cute. OK, I need time to slow down a little.That’s the trouble with the world, too many people grow up. ~Walt Disney
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Haiku is a very short form of Japanese poetry. Traditional haiku consists of 17 syllables in three phases of 5, 7, 5. I was taking a class and this was the assignment for the week. I had to think of a haiku and then take a picture I thought represented it.Don’t follow in the footsteps […]
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My mom curled my sisters hair and I did her makeup and bought her the peacock blue skirt and tank top.A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
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For a class I’m taking called the Documentary Approach, I needed to capture a day in the life. I LOVE this assignment and I’m sure will treasure these pictures in later years.~Time spent with family is worth every second.
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I took the boys down to an old water plant that is just the walls remaining to get some pictures on a nice Wednesday during spring break. I dressed them in jean jackets and cowboy boots to give the clothing a more timeless feel. I hadn’t been to this location in over 20 years so […]
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I went with light blues and dark blues for Easter clothing colors for the kids. I am still taking my studio light class so more practice with the kids:) I can’t even tell you how hot and sweaty and agitated I felt after taking these, but I am happy with the results so it was […]
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I am taking a studio lighting class so I did a set with the kids for Valentine’s Day. The really liked the props, well all except Luke. He did not like the clothes he had to wear.I am so glad you are here, it helps me realize how beautiful my world is. ~Goethe
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I used my new Lensbaby Edge 50 to give these pictures a more dreamy effect.Why pluck one string when you can strum the guitar ~Aaron Weiss