And We Danced {Williston Dance Photographer}


These girls all came together with the common thread of dance, but it has turned into much more. You can see them in the audience cheering each other on, only to run backstage when the performance is over to give words of encouragement and to lift each other up in hugs and delight.  They look forward to the time they get to spend together, traveling to new places for competition and going on new adventures together. They meet dancers across the state from other dance companies and new friendships start, forming new paths– interweaving a tapestry of connections that will last far into the future! At their sleepovers, they teach the new dancers how to apply makeup and fix their hair. They stay up watching competitions they’ve competed in or old recitals, giggling and snacking. During the week, they have a group snap chat they are always talking to each other on. It’s fun to see all their hard work and dedication pay off at the competitions and recitals. It’s a whirlwind of costume changes and finding a missing accessory, sharing eye lashes and hair nets that are forgotten at home. When the girls have a short break at the end of the year or at Christmas, they miss dance and each other; things slow down and they feel like something is absent. The friendships they have with one another now are just a foundation of lifelong sisterhood that will go far past their final curtain call.

2016-2017 Kay Michael Lee Dance Competition Team
 The Photo Shoot Video:
flower crown group serious Black and white of lipstick friends posing in badlands women in purple shirt laughing black and white of black leotards Emerald glitter shot colorful smoke and girls dancing Sisters looking at each other Black and white of piggy back pose diamond team posing in white smoke Ruby team flower crown Group pose in jewel tones Modern dance girls
Sisters back to back
Black and white of emeralds Group dancing badlands

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