Fresh 48 sessions are the most emotional and rewarding sessions I get to do. All the anticipation of meeting the new little one… and the fear of how the delivery will go… and the praying up to that point… and finally, the tears of joy when he or she finally makes an entrance into the […]


I was pregnant with my 6th baby when my friend, Jessica, said I should have maternity pictures done. I hadn’t ever considered it. I mean, I have family pictures that I’m pregnant in, but I had never done a maternity shoot. I loved every minute of it! I ordered a couple of dresses and had […]


Lane has been counting down the days to start school. This morning his attitude had changed and he was NOT going to school. Did I mention he is not a morning person? He’s used to some chocolate milk and morning cartoons to ease into the day. I also forgot to bring his backpack….school and backpack […]

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