What Does an Outdoor Lifestyle Family Session Look Like?


What does an outdoor session look like ?

Every photographer has their own vision for lifestyle sessions to achieve the pictures they have in mind for your family. My goal for family sessions is to take a lifestyle approach. This means I’m focusing on movement, connection, and emotive moments. Does that mean we won’t take any pictures of you looking at the camera? No. Rest assured I will get some of those, so you can have the perfect Christmas card photo! But then we move on to my favorite kind—the ones that showcase your family’s personality.

Posed images with everyone looking and smiling at the camera.

This will make up a small portion of the photos in your gallery. I do like the traditional “Everybody look at the camera and smile” photographs, but they don’t capture your family’s essence and that’s what I’m really interested in highlighting with my camera.

Directed fun and easy prompts

Movement is vital for lifestyle family photography, and to achieve this, I will direct you with some fun and easy prompts. Here’s some examples of these directions: having husbands and wives hold hands and bump hips while walking towards me; having everyone look and laugh at each other; having everyone go in for a group hug and then rocking back and forth; or laying down on a blanket and cuddling up on it as if everyone were watching a movie together on mom and dad’s bed.. These prompts allow for some movement, and laughter will naturally follow allowing your family’s personalities to shine through.

Photos of you and your partner

So often I hear, “We haven’t had our pictures taken together since our wedding.” Your love is the foundation of your family, so I love to capture that! I will have the kids playing nearby and take pictures of you cuddling, hugging, and walking together. I love to focus on the small details of your connection. Often I get uneasy laughs, because it can be hard to relax and love one another in front of someone, but what I always say is if it feels awkward at first, you’re doing it right!

Photos of each parent with the kids

I know that as parents, we are typically the ones taking the pictures and not in them. I make sure to get some pictures of each parent with the kids. They change and grow so quickly, and I think it is so important that we capture this age and your connection with them.


Photos of just the siblings together

I never know what will happen when I take these. Every family’s dynamics are different and I especially love seeing their relationship with each other.


Close-up of portraits of your kids

These individual portraits are when kids’ personalities shine through! Some kids revel in this opportunity while others are reserved and won’t leave mamas arms – and that is okay! We may have your arm or leg in the picture, but it’s part of what makes their portrait “them.”


When we are at a new spot, it’s natural for the kids to want to explore it. I say, “Explore Away” as long as no one is in danger of getting hurt. These are the most organic type of photos and always a favorite of mine. I try to pick locations with a variety of landscape so we can keep exploring during the session.


Some of the sweetest pictures are ones of little dimpled hands, small fingers running through mama’s hair, or how you hold hands with your partner. I am always looking for little gestures and moments.

I will remind you often that I always want you connected, touching someone else. Expect to find your gallery full of images of movement, laughter, hand-holding, hugging, kissing, and snuggles. When you look at your gallery, I want you to feel the love your family has for each other and I want the images to be a special keepsake for you to look back on years later and remember those times in your lives!

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