You know, all that really matters is that the people you love are happy and healthy. Everything else is just sprinkles on the sundae. ~Paul WalkerDolly and I have been friends since junior high and have grown up together. It’s such a blessing to still be great friends now. We celebrate birthdays, holidays, and get […]


Lane has been counting down the days to start school. This morning his attitude had changed and he was NOT going to school. Did I mention he is not a morning person? He’s used to some chocolate milk and morning cartoons to ease into the day. I also forgot to bring his backpack….school and backpack […]


The one meal I can make and everyone likes it is tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Ryder had 3 bowls today and I think he may have had more, but we ran out! I think I wiped his face and hands down half a dozen times.Grilled cheese and tomato soup is the ultimate comfort […]


We had one of our last really warm evenings. It was a perfect night, not a lot of wind and gorgeous out. All the boys were outside playing football, even the little boys wanted to play. They played until 9 pm then we made them come in to get ready for bed. I love these kind of […]


Haiku is a very short form of Japanese poetry. Traditional haiku consists of 17 syllables in three phases of 5, 7, 5. I was taking a class and this was the assignment for the week. I had to think of a haiku and then take a picture I thought represented it.Don’t follow in the footsteps […]

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