Motherhood Sessions | Kellie Rochelle Family Photography


This year, with all the chaos going on in the world around us, something changed in me. For some reason, a frantic feeling crept up on me as I watched my kids growing older. Time is fleeting, and I realized that I was desperately going to miss all the tender moments with my kids. Sooner than I would like to admit, the day will come when they no longer want me to hold their hand or kiss them goodnight. This realization hit me like a ton of bricks, so lately, I have picked random days to throw on a dress and call my mom to come get pictures of us. I quit worrying about losing some weight and waiting for the perfect time or outfit, and I savored the moments and the opportunity to turn them into everlasting memories.  And you know what, these are some of my favorite pictures!



Because the passage of time stops for no one, I made the decision to offer this opportunity to all the moms out there who feel the same way I do—cannot wait to see what beautiful ways they change the world as they grow but wishing to keep them little just a little bit longer. If you find yourself relating to this sentiment, then this “Motherhood Session” is designed for YOU!



With Mother’s Day coming up, why not give yourself the best gift possible: tender moments with your favorite little humans that will forever help you remember the emotions that come with being a mom and that show the love and connection you have with each other. As a mother of seven, nothing inspires me more than a love a mother has for her child.



Tell me more!

The sessions are going to be relaxed and fun. There will be no poses or expectations. I will guide you through your session and capture the moments and connections that unfold. 


Who can sign up for a Motherhood Session? 

Any mom and her children. This session is not for dads (but would be an amazing Mother’s Day gift).


Where will the session be at? 

Because I cannot predict what the weather will be like, I have decided to have them in my sunroom –my “go-to” for pictures in our house because of the amazing natural light. 


The motherhood sessions are short and sweet – they last 20 minutes and you will have 12 digitals files from our session.  


When are the Motherhood Session? 

May 15th, 2022. There are only a limited number of sessions available, so click on the link to reserve your spot. 


What is the investment? 

Motherhood Sessions are $300 and include the following:

–       12 high resolution digital files 

–       An image gallery for viewing


These sessions mean so much to me and I hope you see their value too! 




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