Family of Seven {Williston Family Photography}


The Nass Family was an incredible family session. I wasn’t sure what to expect with 5 kids; knowing exactly how my kids can be, I left my expectations low and prepared to use my mom voice if necessary. These kiddos blew me away! They were so good and cooperative and you could just feel the closeness the family has towards each other. We ended up with so many great pictures that I had to go through session several time so the gallery wasn’t too overwhelming to look at. The evening had beautiful light, but it was definitely a fall evening and the kids took advantage of the blankets I brought to keep warm between shots. I’m a huge sucker for unposed and more natural interaction among the family so I tried to sneak in as many as I could. Shari and I have been friends for several years now and actually were both building houses at the same time. It was nice to have someone to get ideas and talk back in forth with about such big projects. Our kids are of similar ages as well and it’s always fun to see other big families and know that they understand the craziness that comes with the schedules of a large family! It definitely forms a camaraderie. I hope this pictures make you smile as much as they made me!Every family has a story to tell…welcome to ours.Family laying on blanket five siblings laughing couple full body pose Teen girl sitting in grass family tickling kids walking around parents Girl sitting with arms around knees family of seven on bench sisters in candid shot Girl standing by a green house Mom and daughter pictures Couple doing prom pose siblings wrapped in blanket boy and his dog Couple on a bench black and white of siblings laughing Toddler girl sitting

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