Thirteen year old Cousins {Williston Portrait Photographer}


My daughter Isabel and her cousin Ava were born two days apart.  I can still remember the day my sister-in-law, Twyla, called me to say she had just left her OB appointment and was heading to the OB Unit because the doctor could feel Ava’s feet!  Twyla was in tears and scared that her baby was coming a month early, and I was both excited for her and a bit jealous that even though I was due a few weeks before her, she would meet her baby before me!  Little did I know, I would be induced that very day due to preeclampsia.  Unfortunately, my induction and delivery was long and it was another two days before Isabel entered the world.  In a matter of two days, our lives had both changed forever and for the better.  From the very beginning, Ava and Isabel were sisters at heart.  Over the years, they have grown to be the best of friends.  When they are together, the laughter and screams are never-ending.  It’s hard to believe that these two beauties are now teenagers!  Their bond is truly remarkable, and it is evident in so many ways.  Just this year, they TWICE bought the same swim suit as one another without knowing the other had picked the same one!  Both girls are social butterflies and involved in tons of activities, but spending time together is always something they enjoy!  Watching the two of them grow from tiny little babies to beautiful young women has been such a pleasure, and I cannot wait to see how they will impact this world!Cousins by Blood, Sisters by Heart, Friends by Choice ~Unknown Girls holding hands laughing Girls looking at reflection Girls on stairs Girls laughing unposed Black and white of girls laughing Headshot of girl in blue black and white of girls serious Girl close up Girls long hair laying on backs cousins with light post portrait close up girls sitting on ledge Girl sitting on bench black and white of girls walking away Girls next to brick wall Cousins upper body Black and white of girls laughing Girls walking down main street

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