Senior Guys




My superhero power is helping you find yourself. You are unique, and high school is a special time. It’s a time for you to discover new adventures and embrace your true identity. Ready to prepare for this fun experience?



Start thinking about what location you want to be at during your session, what you might wear, and any props you’ll bring with you. One thing seniors might not consider is when yearbook photographs are due. You’ll want your image selected and turned in before the due date!


Plan on taking a few hours out of your day for your session. Once we meet up at the preferred location, we will talk and get ready! That’s when we get to work. Together, we will walk around. There will be times when I ask you to do something or pose so I can snag some shots.

Don’t worry about smiling or not knowing how to pose! I know all the tricks!

After we finish your session, I’ll ask your parent or guardian to sign a model release.


It might feel like ages, but trust me. Within 2-3 weeks (up to 5 weeks in the fall), your final images will be ready to view! I’ll get in touch with you to let you know they are ready. I will fill you in on ordering prints and products, how to download your digital images, and any additional add-ons.



We are all unique – and I truly believe a person’s type of fashion is an extension of their personality. What we choose to wear and why is a great way to express yourselves. Some of you might already

have outfits in mind, while some aren’t sure where to start. Let’s go through a few different ideas!


Nothing says ‘classy’ like a formal suit or tux. If you want to look sharp and set apart from others, this could be your signature look. When it comes to colors and patterns, believe me when I say less is more. You will want to look natural and feel comfortable. Top colors are black, navy blue, grey, and tan.


Casual yet fashion-forward – another go-to outfit for men. Choose your favorite jeans or khakis, then layer your tops. Think about sweaters, vests, jean jackets, sports jackets, button-ups with the sleeves slightly rolled up, and more. For shoes, try out boat shoes or non-athletic tennis shoes.


If you were active in any extracurriculars during high school, this could be an excellent option for you. Choose between a full-blown out uniform, t-shirt, or jacket if you don’t want to go all-out. Some students even prefer to go to a football field and wear their entire uniform. It’s up to you!


Most students probably don’t think of this option. Wearing a t-shirt or other type of clothing piece from your college you selected! Not only is this a good idea, but did you know you could send out college announcements to family members with your final images?


I’m going to give you some of the best advice on looking your best for your senior session. Listen up! Two days before your session, make sure to get a hair trim and eyebrow work done. Guys, it’s okay to get a wax. Opt to wax or shave facial hair, so it’s in tip-top shape. While you’re at it, trim down any stray eyebrow hairs and appropriately brush them.

Next up, make sure your nails are clean and dirt-free. You’d be surprised at how many times your hands and fingers will appear in pictures! Take a shower the day of your photoshoot. Please, use deodorant or anti perspirant. You don’t want to be stinking or sweating during your session! Eat a light breakfast, then brush and floss your teeth.

Tame your mane and style it to your liking. You should be good to go!


Imagine Yourself in a place you love. Where is that? Is it on the baseball field, your favorite coffee shop, astate park, or maybe even at home? Wherever you feel happiest & most comfortable, that’s where I want to photograph you. Of course, if you think of a specific place,

I have several in mind!

Enhance your senior session experience

It all begins with trusting the photographer. My job as a photographer is to make sure you are comfortable and having fun. I will be your guide along the way, ensuring your experience and images are everything you ever dreamed of.

Shake off the stress and embrace the session. Be fully present! Don’t focus on what could go wrong or if you’re posing weird. Be your genuine, authentic self.

Make it stand out

Don’t be afraid of being goofy and letting loose. Make a funny face, talk about your favorite movie, rap a song anything to get you lauging and relaxed.

If you’re a worrywart, I encourage you to find easy answers to some of your questions. I recommend planning your outfits ahead. Keep in mind not wearing anything uncomfortable and tight, ironing them the night before, and laying them out!

announce your decision!

Your final chapter of high school is closing, and another big adventure awaits you: College. All of your hard work throughout the years is paying off, and you should be proud.

Making up your mind about what college you go to is a big deal and a major life decision. What better than to capture that through photographs? When it’s all said and over, you’ll be glad to look back on these images and realize how much you accomplished.

Grab your favorite college hoodie, hat, flag, smoke bombs, or gear, and let’s make it happen!

Honor senior year with graduation announcements

you made it.

The studying, the tests, the friendships, the laughing, the crying… everything. Now that the time has come to invest in senior photos, it’s also the time to think about graduation announcements.

Senior sessions with me allows a personalized and unique approach. Commemorate the end of the year with stylish announcements to send to family and friends.

You’re probably thinking, “Why should I?” Here’s my honest answer: Because it’s a great way to keep in touch, inform those you love of your accomplishment, and it makes a tangible mark.

Etiquette says that high school graduation announcements be sent right after graduation. If you’re interested in creating incredible announcements, you’re in luck.


Can I bring someone with me?

Of course! I want you to feel comfortable. If bringing a friend helps with that and gets you to loosen up in front of the camera, then go for it! Bring a parent, a sibling, or a friend if desired.

What if I wear glasses?

This part I will leave up to you. If you always wear glasses, I recommend keeping them on. On the other hand, if you feel like you want to wear contacts, try it out!

I have bad acne. What should I do?

Never fear. This is where editing comes in handy. We can talk about this one-on-one, where you can request I remove it from your portraits.